Hot Summer Plant Survival Tips

by | Jun 27, 2016 | Ask CMS Homes, Home Maintenance Tips | 0 comments

As a new home owner there are a lot of things on your mind. Getting moved in to your new home, managing address change, setting up utilities, registering for new school etc. but…


Here are a few tips to keep your landscape and sod alive in the hot summer months:

    • Look at your plants: Plants will show their stress by turning grey or brown, drooping or dropping leaves and foliage.
    • Water deep rather than often You should be getting the soil soaks 10-12 inches deep. Take a stick or large screw driver and stick it in the ground. If it meets resistance at less than 12 inches keep watering.
  • Mulch is your friend Mulch not only looks great but it helps the soil retain moisture. Check it out and add 3 or 4 inches as needed.

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